All about kids and yahoo instant messenger. Is it advisable for kids to use yahoo instant messenger in the middle age of 9 to 10 years of age? I am encouraging my small cousins to chat with me with yahoo messenger but I am not that sure that they are on the right age of dealing with those stuffs.
Waiting for your support, thank you.
All about kids and yahoo instant messenger.
Hi Curtis!
I suggest that you let your cousins use Skype instead of Yahoo Instant Messenger because Skype is easy to use and easy to set up. The interface is also user friendly and easy to learn and understand for new users. Skype does not have advertisements popping up also, so your cousins will be really kept from any materials or sources that are not suitable for their age.
All about kids and yahoo instant messenger.
Here you want to know the proper  instant yahoo messenger for 9-10 years kids.
I don’t know the exact configuration of device. So I give you the solution for windows 7 and mac pc.
I think you have yahoo messenger 11.5 version It is instant usable and easy to kids.
You will get it from here
All about kids and yahoo instant messenger.
Yes, be well its children to use Yahoo! Instant Messenger to send instant messages on the task to a schoolmate, to chat with friends or relatives in the country, or to read sports and news about entertainment with the Yahoo plug-in! News.
Start by checking some general safety practices in line (figure). Also bear in mind the following thing about having used Yahoo! Messenger.
To protect the Personal information. Not to give personal information on having exchanged instantaneous messages with unknown persons.
Adult content. It might receive harmful files or explicit photos across (through) Yahoo! Messenger. Only to open files and photos from contacts of confidence.
Webcam. Yahoo! The messenger allows to tune in webcams and show videos of himself to the Yahoo community!. If you see other webcams that or he (she) does not know, you might be exposed to images sexually explicit.
I hope that it should help.