Adobe Illustrator – Out of Memory Error!

Hello TechyV buddies!
I am having some issue on Adobe illustrator CS5.1. I am using this on my brand bew mac Book Pro 64 bit 2.8 Ghz with Intel Core i7 processor and 8G of RAM. I always get this error:
"cannot move object, out of memory"
This happens when I try to edit a vector file. The Al file is too small to occupy the 2.8G RAM of my laptop. I wonder why it keeps on telling that I don’t have enough memory to perform the action. I am trying to configure this issue and analyzing that this might be a bug or a virus brought about by the installation of the Adobe Illustrator. Can anyone help me solve this issue? I really don’t know if this is a bug or a virus or another incompatibility problem with Adobe Illustrator. I can do the action using X11 window but bot here in Adobe illustrator. I have any idea please let me know I really need help here guys.
Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you!