Address is Invalid Error in Safari

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

When I am clicking on the ‘Login with Facebook’ link in the application, it automatically goes to Safari and asked for authorization of the application. But when I am clicking on ‘Allow’, it is not directing to Facebook page and an alert is coming which says “The page cannot be opened on Safari as the address is invalid.” I think there is no problem with my iPhone application but may be a problem with Facebook settings. I am not sure this is the problem. So please help me. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer by sandeep080193
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #116366

Address is Invalid Error in Safari


I am going to tell you the solution of your question. 

From your Safari browser menu bar click Safari / Preferences then select the security tab.Then click: Show Cookies. Delete all cookies or delete the cookies associated the sites you have problems accessing.then quit Safari browser aAnd open a Finder window. Select your Home folder in the Sidebar on the left. Now open the Library folder then the Caches folder then the folder. Move the cache.db file from the folder to the Trash.Then re-launch Safari browser.

And your problem is solved.

As there are numerous options also available in other sites,but i recommend you to do this only,as this procedure will solve your problem easily.

Answered By 15 points N/A #116368

Address is Invalid Error in Safari


I think I understand your problem, you are trying to access some application and selecting login option 'Login with Facebook'.

Now normally this should be not an issue if the authentication would be done with in app functions but the app asks to open the URL with Safari, and safari gives error because the URL is non built for browser access but rather in application authentication.

The solution would be to raise this issue to the developer and till the either authenticate the application from your PC for the application's access or just use a temp new ID if it's OK.

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