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How would you substitute strings with sed? May I discover a few examples and allude to them in the substitution string? In the event that the string is 'old' and I run's/old/new', I get 'new old' as the outcome. I require 'new?' How would you supplant an example just on the off chance that it’s discovered, so that its executed faster?

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How do associations with a stunnel shift from SSL-VPN, if both are in progression on the same port 443, and both utilization SSL to scramble information? What is contrast between SSL-VPN and https movement setup with stunnel? At the point when SSL-VPN is blocked then how to keep secure searching on open wifi?

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What is the most ideal approach to breaking down the appeal sent over SSL by portable application? It is redundant that the correspondence convention is Http/s so catching them with Burp/Zap/Fiddler or whatever other Http intermediary won't basically work, however by what means would we be able to get the movement to try and achieve the intermediary?

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Human genome took many years and cost tens of millions of dollars, today genome can be sequenced and digitized in minutes and at the cost of only a few hundred dollars, but the question is that “Can these results be delivered to your laptop on a USB stick and easily shared via the Internet”?

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I would like to know more about robots today. Are advances in robotics technology making human machine alliance an everyday reality? Can better and cheaper sensors make a robot more able to “understand” and respond to its environment?  Are robots being used in precision agriculture for weed control and harvesting by using GPS technology? What are the other fields in which the robots are being used?

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Hi, I am working in a big team of web application development, and we are facing big challenges in terms of implementation of security in our project. We are using AGILE model for product development and usually we don’t get time in our mid sprints to spend on such issues. It is now becoming very painful for me as a lead to solve the bug related to security in estimated time. Please suggest if any one has implemented basic security steps in parallel to development.

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Hello, Franca Anim is my name, a second year Law student from Ghana. Is there any application software by Android App Developers which help to detect faults and also assists in replacing damaged parts of motorcycles with the right parts? Can the software helps in checking periodic servicing such as oil changing, chain servicing, etc. and also regulate the rate of servicing the motorcycle?

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What is the compatibility of XBOX One and Xbox 360? Can we use the Xbox 360 games, controllers or accessories with Xbox one or vise versa? If someone’s TV has only one HDMI port, can they connect their Xbox 360 to their TV via their Xbox One console? What are the advantages of XBOX One over 360?

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I have Freemind application installed which I use to organize all my main tasks and subtasks. Is the WBS generated by the Freemind is as per standard? Can I directly import the WBS to MS Project without copy pasting? I have tried to copy but hierarchy won’t be maintained properly. Has anybody used Freemind or very similar application to achieve the above objective? Can indentation be kept automatic? Any suggestions on alternative scheduling applications? Has anybody have good experience with the MindManager software tool?

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I am looking for help in finding a way to restrict the user of excel to only edit the text in the cells but retain formatting. The user can update his name, correct spelling etc buy should not change background color or font size and font. How to control these? I am using Microsoft 2010 Excel in compatibility mode. If you can share me snapshots of the controls or at least the steps it will be of great help. One more information is that th contents what user enters will get updated automatically in other sheets of same work book which will be password protected. Thank you

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