
Have you heard about "wrapper startups"? Chances are, if you don't breathe tech, you might have not heard of the particular concatenation of the words. Well, a "wrapper" in tech is not a new phenomenon. In layman terms, a wrapper is a software built around another software with additional capabilities or a well-defined interface. However, in recent times, the particular term "wrapper startups" has been accumulating a lot of limelight in the information technology (IT) sector, particularly in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) cult. AI wrappers—specialised AI models built around another AI's API—are the talk of the town. Less investment...

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What Is React Native?

React Native is a UI software created by the Meta platform, it is a JavaScript framework that targets mobile platforms. React Native is used to develop mobile/Android, IOS-based applications. Programming languages used by React Native are Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, and Objective-C. The developer of this software is Meta and Community, launched on 26 March 2015. React Native has made work and development simple as developers need not write different codes for Android and IOS.

How Does React Native Work?

React Native uses React and JavaScript to develop Android and IOS...

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What Is AI?

AI is a human-made intelligence feature that can think like humans, it is a science created by humans that has the capacity to think like humans with the help of machines. AI is widely used these days. It helps increase work efficiency and makes multitasking easy.

How Does AI Help In Salesforce Development?

AI helps to search potential target audiences more effectively and easily, it helps in better decision-making as it can provide visual insights into customer behavior, demands, and all such parameters. AI delivers excellent quality work that attracts customers,...

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Health has always been a sensitive issue, but the 21st century has brought significant changes to simplify this complex area of concern. The hike in expenses, the rising demand for personalized treatment for patients, and an increased effort to deliver care to vulnerable populations of society are some of the concerns related to health. Healthcare is on its way towards advancement and enhancement. The pace at which technology innovation has adapted is tremendous. The desire for personalised treatments, and an increasing outreach of such technologies which is easily accessible by people belonging to remote areas, can be quickly addressed if...

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Capture the Audience with Bite-sized Engaging Content

Imagine holding your audience's attention in just a few seconds. You entice listeners and leave them wanting more by delivering your music in short, crisp bursts. These easily digestible clips are perfect for the fast-paced scroll culture, making your music instantly accessible and shareable.

Reach a Global Audience Instantly

Music lovers are enthusiastic consumers of YouTube Shorts, providing a dynamic platform for your music distribution. Engaging with this audience means extending your reach internationally.

Leverage YouTube's Algorithm for Maximum Exposure

YouTube's personalized recommendation system ensures your content reaches the right audience, boosting visibility and increasing the...

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The innovation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary tool which has transformed to process of huge amounts of data and helped humans make decisions in several industries. Today’s major global concern is climate change, another area and the toughest challenge AI can potentially combat. According to studies approximately 4 billion people already reside in areas most vulnerable to climate change, says World Health Organisation (WHO). This count is expected to increase to a death count of 250,000 in a year between 2030 and 2050. Factors contributing to it are undernutrition, malaria, diarrhoea, and heat stress alone. The following...

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The intersection of Information technology and biotechnology can revolutionize the field of healthcare. This has led to breakthrough results in various areas ranging from drug discovery to personalized patient care. With = the latest technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data analytics, biotechnology has the potential to accelerate the drug discovery process to develop more effective therapies and improve patient outcomes. Furthermore, with the use of wearable technology and other devices, the technology can provide real-time data on patient health, enabling more personalized and effective care to patients. However, integrating information technology and biotechnology also...

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Customers in the digital age are becoming increasingly impatient. With how quickly the internet can load, even a loading time of a few seconds could be enough to make a user click off your site. While every company wants to check a user’s connection and verify that they’re not bots, stringent measures may create long delays that completely ruin the user experience on your site. Bot management shouldn’t come at the cost of your user experience. In this article, we’ll explore the bot threat and why it’s so challenging. Finally, we’ll touch on how your company can look toward...

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In the realm of business technology, Software as a Service (SaaS) has rapidly become a buzzword. But beyond the buzz, what real advantages does SaaS offer? If you're a business owner or decision-maker looking to enhance your strategies and outcomes, switching to SaaS could be the game-changing move you need. Here are the top five benefits of making the switch, explained in a way that's both informative and engaging.

Cost Savings

First and foremost, let's talk about money. Traditional software often requires hefty upfront investments in licenses, hardware, and IT infrastructure. Then, there are ongoing costs for maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting....

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Thanks to ChatGPT, a race to develop new artificial intelligence services has begun, with businesses scrambling to keep up. There are now three major conversational AI services publicly accessible.

  1. ChatGPT
  2. Copilot and
  3. Gemini
These are the most well-known by far. Of the three, Open-AI is the business that produced ChatGPT; Microsoft created Copilot; Google launched Gemini, another similar AI service to Copilot and ChatGPT. Now Google and Microsoft have started to build these AI modules inside Laptops. Microsoft’s New Copilot Plus PCs: A Game Changer or not?

1. Introduction And Hardware

Imagine a PC so smart that it can proactively handle all your time-consuming,...

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