What Is Windows 7 Error 80246008?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am using windows for a high time. Now when I am attempting to update it is showing Windows 7 error 80246008. The description says that there is a problem with the background intelligent transfer service. When I started to find it, I haven’t figured them. Is this the reason for the error?


Answered By 0 points N/A #321089

What Is Windows 7 Error 80246008?


This error says that either background intelligent transfer service or COM+ event system is unable to start their functions, which are very important for updates. Make sure that the startup system is in automatic mode. Both must run properly. Now reboot your system. Try to reset your windows update components manually and try. Sometimes running a system file checker and replacing the corrupted files may also solve the problem. Once try by clean booting the system and removing the malware.

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