Your account is expired. (ref:3)

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

My system got crashed and I re installed windows 7 64-bit on it, and when it started I got this error.

I cant think of anything why this error occurred since I didn’t do anything yet?

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?



Your account is expired. (ref:3)

Answered By 0 points N/A #132808

Your account is expired. (ref:3)


If your system crashes, there are only two ways to fix this it’s either repair the system or reformat the machine system. Why repair? It preserves your current setting and configurations on your system without deleting or removing your files. This action can only repair your system files and supplements those missing files. Why reformat? This action is the most guaranteed in making your system a clean, a crash free and a virus free system. The only disadvantage of this was, it will erase all your files in the system drive after formatting process.

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