Why buying domain at Google apps is must?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys, I want to test a gadget or say application which is compatible with android Operating system now I have to test it before I can proceed to use it.Please tell me why having a domain is a must at google apps to test the gadget and how I should get one and after getting a domain how should I test the gadget in the best way

Answered By points N/A #181651

Why buying domain at Google apps is must?



Every app developer wants his app to be published to users all over the world so that he might be of use to others. As you’re an Android App developer, you should use Google Play to publish your application. In order to publish your app, you have to follow the following steps.

First, you have to make your app for release purpose. In that case, you have to generate your application as APK file which will be generated using “release” build which should have signed with your certificate and optimized with zipalign tool.

Next, it’s time to make your application release-ready. To do that, you have to disable logging and debugging mode, cleanup your project directory, build it for release purpose, and test everything. Here’s what you have to test before you publish your app.

Here’s the complete guide that will help you prepare for your app for release purpose.

Now, it’s time to publish you app. Go to this page, complete your registration as a publisher and you’re ready to publish your own generated application. This process requires $25 as they’re not eager to let you have your app hosted on their server and distribute all over the world so easily.

If you think, you can use your own website to publish your app. All you need is to choose a good website hosting service, build your site and publish your APK files. You can also use free services, for example, 000webhost.

Buying domain isn't a must to publish apps, it's optional. Only paying $25 is a must.

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