On which website we can search Photoshop to ico creation methods?

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

I have to do some urgent job work in Photoshop, which I need to create different icons in .ico format, so kindly suggest me some eminent websites on which we can search Photoshop to ico creation methods.

Answered By 0 points N/A #191527

On which website we can search Photoshop to ico creation methods?


Hi Adams,

I could point you to some sources.

One here is an icon library and icon tutorials site, looking very useful for you.  

Follow this link iconlibrary

Isn't it a great tutorial, by just analyzing an already finished icon file?

This one's from the Smashing Magazine site.

There’s a ton inside of each, so you might as well get ready for a treat.

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