Trend micro titanium pop up “Trend Micro Anti-Malware has stopped working”

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have installed trend micro titanium in windows 7, Now my trend micro titanium pop up that says, "Trend Micro Anti-Malware has stopped working". Something is preventing it from activating please advice.

Best Answer by Alcaraz Jody
Answered By 0 points N/A #164174

Trend micro titanium pop up “Trend Micro Anti-Malware has stopped working”



Hi there,

Well, trend micro is a good antivirus. But if you want you can try using MS Security Essentials or Kaspersky anti-virus. And regarding to your problem in Trend micro titanium pop up that says Trend Micro Anti-Malware has stopped working just turn off your “Windows defender” so the pop-up won’t bother you anymore.

Hope it helps.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #164175

Trend micro titanium pop up “Trend Micro Anti-Malware has stopped working”


Dear Charles Henry,

Trend micro titanium is good antivirus software, but when you get this error message you have many probabilities for it.

1-You have disabled it unintentionally so you should check the status of the program.

2-Windows firewall stopped it so you should configure firewall settings.

3-Your license may be expired and needs to renewed.

4-You may have an error in your system and need to reinstall it again after cleaning your registry.

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