The Best Platform To Make Airline Reservation System Software.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I want to complete my computer science project. I have decided to implement an airline reservation system using any computer language. What language should I use? Please help.

Answered By 0 points N/A #300658

The Best Platform To Make Airline Reservation System Software.


You can use any language available and in which you are comfortable with. But to make a very good project, follow the suggestions given below.

  • PHP – Awesome language for web development and web applications when used with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PHP takes care of form processing and database transactions very easily.
  • C# – Great choice if you want to make a Windows Desktop application. Using the .NET framework you can make secure applications with Windows Theme UI
  • JAVA – Runs on billions of devices all over the world. Universally accepted standard. Can be used to make Android applications. It Gives a lot of library support.

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