Stop a website from appearing simultaneously

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

This "" is constantly appearing in my screen and it is really disappointing since I don't want to purchase any of their products. Can you help me delete this or stop it off from appearing simultaneously? Please, I need your help.

Best Answer by joul84
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #105625

Stop a website from appearing simultaneously



one way you could block websites from popping on the screen

is by you black listing them in your anti-virus black list. Your

anti-virus has a firewall setup put in place running along

side your windows firewall. Locate your anti-virus blacklist,

which am assuming must be in your firewall settings in

your anti-virus control panel/settings. Once there, simply

enter in the web address of the website you want to block.


Kind regards


Answered By 0 points N/A #105626

Stop a website from appearing simultaneously


Another thing you could do to block a website from

popping in Internet Explorer is go to:

your control panel>> select Internet options>>

select  security tab>> click restricted sites>>click sites>>

enter URL/website address>> click ADD.


Kind regards


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