Service Pack installation error occurred

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everyone,

I was trying to install a Microsoft Windows Installer package and got the error below. I am using Windows XP. Please advice.

A problem prevented the Service Pack from being installed. Contact your system administrator.

Error code: 1603

Answered By 0 points N/A #171673

Service Pack installation error occurred


Hello John,
First, make sure the folder you are attempting to install the package to is not encrypted. To do this:
– Right click on the folder icon; select Properties; under General tab select Advanced button and ensure that the Encrypt Contents to Secure Data is NOT selected.

If the error persists it may be a larger, system-level error and you will have to adjust permissions settings. To do this:
– Select the drive you wish to install the package on, right click, and select Properties. Choose the Security tab. Verify that the Group or user names box contains the SYSTEM user account. (If the SYSTEM user account is not there, add it by clicking Add. In the Select Users or Groups box, click SYSTEM and then Add. Click OK.)
Under Permissions look under the Allow box, click box for Full Control and then click Advanced. A dialogue box will appear. Check the box called Reset permissions on all child objects and enable propagation of inheritable permissions and click OK. (If you receive a security message, click Yes). Once the OS has applied the permissions, you may run the package.
Good luck!

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