Sequence and structure of booting system & processing

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Experts! I have some questions regarding the sequence and structure of booting system and its process. My questions are:

While the system boots up, I want to know about the IDs connected with the process. I want to know the Fork() System Calls in creating a process. Also, can you please list down the system calls that is used in process management? How does the parent and the child process communicate with each other? What are the UNIX process states and what will happen if I run a program and a command? Thanks in advance.



Answered By points N/A #189631

Sequence and structure of booting system & processing



The whole working system is very complex and dusky enough to understand.

First, when you start your CPU, the main BIOS starts. It checks all the hardware for correct configuration, and then calls the devices to boot up. After everything is ready, it calls HDD to load the OS.

This call is received by the boot loader of installed operating system(s). It checks hardware, then starts to load OS files and components. It loads the basic components, and then the complex ones like drivers, software, etc. When everything is complete, the OS completes the boot successfully and prepare every environment of your PC so that you can use the facilities of them.

The PID (Process ID) is the number of a process that is being created to RAM. From the beginning of OS’s boot, every process that are created have a unique PID. It’s on a sequential basis, starting from 0 to the maximum number that varies from one system to another.

Whenever you execute a program, it hosts its data on RAM, loads all of its core data and processes them for using purpose, connects with the hardware, get the necessary information from dependencies and run to satisfy your working thirst.

When executing a command, it runs the specific program with custom options and parameters so that the program will do the specific task only.

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