Security analysis tool related issues

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have just heard about the release of security analysis tool Trisul 2.4 .

Is this tool able to overcome difficulties like insecure use of cryptography or access control issues?

Answered By 0 points N/A #142293

Security analysis tool related issues


Hello there Julienlandonn,

The security analysis tool Trishul 2.4 is a network metering and forensics tool. This tool meters the traffic by host, protocol, subnet etc and collects the results in a SQL database. It is capable of dealing with encryption, insecure use of cryptanalysis, and access control. It also includes a Ruby on Rails app call Web Trishul that allows to use a web browser for viewing data in forms of good-looking charts.

Hope you have got the answer to your question. Have a great time using your Trishul 2.4.  For any tech solutions, feel free to ask TechyV.

Thank You.

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