PDA backing up my files

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

I use a PDA to store as my backup. i displays a message "Please plug into the charger" but shouldn't it be charging while connected the PC through USB

Answered By 15 points N/A #88964

PDA backing up my files



PDA requires more power that USB port can deliver. If your PDA is drained out or has a little power left, your USB port might not be delivering enough power to run or drive your PDA. Even though you can use it to transfer data, still, it is not enough to charge your device. You can try charging it while connected to your PC but, you have to switch your PDA off. Also, the charging would be really slow compared to if the PDA is charged through a power outlet. Also, some cables may only be used as data cable and not as charging cables.

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