Multiple Program error while playing a game

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -



I am trying to play a game but I can’t open this, when I try to open the game every time, I received an error message which says “You cannot use multiple instance of program at the same time”. I couldn’t sole this issue. Help me to resolve this matter.


You cannot use multiple instance of program at the same time.

Best Answer by Fletcher Hoss
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #176732

Multiple Program error while playing a game


Hallo Orlando,

First, you will have to make sure that you are playing the game with admin rights. Also try the following workaround:

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + Del
  • And then open the task manager.
  • Click on the processes tab and then end all instances of the game.
  • After that restart the game.


Fletcher Hoss


Answered By 0 points N/A #176733

Multiple Program error while playing a game


It's possible that the game is running, but for some reason cannot be maximized. Try running the Task Manager, click the first tab, "Applications", and check if the game you're trying to launch in listed there. If it is, then select it and click the button "Switch to".

If the game isn't listed here, then it's possible that it is still in the phase where it gathers necessary instruction and allocating resources before launching. In that case, wait 2-3 minutes and see if it appears here. If it doesn't, then you most likely don't have the strong enough computer to run it.

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