Migration from Exchange 2003 to multiple Exchange 2010 under 1 DNS

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


One of my clients is taking care of 2 companies along with two employees as management at two places. First company (C1) has the ownership of the DNS server and it uses Exchange ’03. On the other hand, second company (C2) has got the DNS of C1 and it has Exchange ’10. Now C1 has made up their minds that they will upgrade to Exchange ’10 by the use of a new mail server but they would like to a third party to do this installation. The advice we provide is like they can make the network of the two companies detached so C2 would have their own DNS to stay away from clash but they are stick to their previous plan. This indicates that there will be three exchange networks in a network for us along with a single DNS during the moment we do the upgrade to Exchange ’10 from Exchange ’03 for C1.

Do you have any suggestion regarding this? Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #147256

Migration from Exchange 2003 to multiple Exchange 2010 under 1 DNS


Hi Cooper, migrating from exchange '03 to exchange '10 is no easy feat. Lots of steps are involved and one must be careful. However, following the steps listed in the link below makes the task simple.


The steps are easy to understand and the pictures makes it easier to follow.

I hope this information of assistance to you.

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