Magento Could not resolve host: magento core; Host not found

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


I'm new to Magento. I'm installing Magento 1.5. And yes I'm done with it. I tried to enhance the capability with some extension. The installation process using Magento Connect Manager. I've copied the Extension Key that I want (Magento Mobile), and paste the Key to Magento Connect Manager. Click Install button but error showed up. Here's the error:

Could not resolve host: magento-core; Host not found

Could not resolve host: magento-core; Host not found

Answered By 10 points N/A #121673

Magento Could not resolve host: magento core; Host not found


Hello Derick,

You will need to check and see if you have got a beta extension. If you do you will need to  adjust your settings accordingly and see if that will resolve the issue.

Also check if the error is occurring when you are trying to install extension from Magento Connect. If that is the case, then it is most likely that you are using V1 extension keys. You will therefore need to choose V 2.0 extension key version on Magento Connect site and after that retry the installation again. This time round it should work.

Hope this helps.




Answered By 10 points N/A #121674

Magento Could not resolve host: magento core; Host not found



First of all thanksto all for the answers for this vast description of this solution. I tried this and this really gave me a good result. I think there is another solution can work for it too. The solution is simple and it worked for me. Instead to giving only the “magento-core/Magento_Mobile” please set “magento-core/Magento_Mobile-” usually this works fine. Although sometimes in different regions it doesn’t work so well. Than try the URL:

Thank you,

Riley weaver.


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