I want to know about online opensource whiteboard

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

I want to know about online opensource whiteboard. I need to know that does online open source whiteboard software exist? What are the system requirements to run this software?

Best Answer by Ware Shaul
Answered By 0 points N/A #168012

I want to know about online opensource whiteboard


Hi Byers,
So far in my knowledge Open Sankoré is an open source whiteboard software which offers a drop-in replacement for proprietary alternatives and adds a couple of interesting features i.e. support for the W3C Widgets specification. It means that, for example users can, embed interactive content which has been developed for Apache Wookie directly on the whiteboard.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #168013

I want to know about online opensource whiteboard


Hi Byers,

Yes, online open source whiteboard software exists. There are a lot of easy to use free online tutorial platforms such as Scribblar, Open Sankore, Edoboard and a whole lot more. But the Open Sankore stands amongst all them all because it is open source software. Also, it is very flexible because it is a tablet friendly which can use for all mobile devices. In addition, it can also cater webinars which means seminars over the web or internet.

You can try the following platforms by following the links:

Tablet Friendly Open Source Open Sakore, The Math Tutorial Open Source Scribblar and Equation Editor Open Source edoboard


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