I need sample codes for charting applet.

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi techyv,

I need to sample codes for charting applet.

I am not that good at researching but I was told by my office group mates to research about charting applet.

We are going to create an applet design graphical user interface for our clients.

We are going to create a system that is related to a simple event organizer to be installed in Linux operating system.

I wish you can give me a solution for this problem.

Hoping for your help.


Best Answer by Shifflett Laurel
Answered By 0 points N/A #179789

I need sample codes for charting applet.


Hello Ava,

As I understand from your question, you want to know how to make charts in a Java Applet.

If so, then I found a very good tutorial for you.

This is a basic tutorial which shows you how to implement bar charts. It's using simple data so it can be a good guideline for your system you are planning to make.

This is the tutorial: 


Answered By 0 points N/A #179790

I need sample codes for charting applet.


Hallo Ava Larry,

I have researched about your topic. You need a sample code for charting applet. I am giving you some best solution need.

You can get there any kind of solution! There have separated topic of solution!

Let's see!

1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11897303/how-can-i-run-jfree-chart-as-applet

2. http://www.webhostingtalk.com

3. http://www.java4less.com/charts_e.htm

In the link no 1, you can get separated topic of solution!


Washington Michael

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #179791

I need sample codes for charting applet.


Hallow Ava Larry,

I am happy to get your interesting problems.

I am telling you about some software which can generate code for charting applets for Java Server.

First of all we go to "Chart FX".

  • It's awesome functionality can manipulate graphs within a moment in the Java platform.
  • It has Ajax driven engine.
  • It is best suited for Web Applications.
  • It is user friendly and light program.

Now I will talk about JFreeChartApplet. Its fantastic function can be enjoyed from the following code:

Public class JFreeChartApplet extends JApplet


Public void init ()
JFreeChart chart = createChart();

// fullscreen
Dimension fullScreen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
getContentPane().setBounds( 0, 0, fullScreen.width, fullScreen.height );

ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);


Here createChart() is created to create a chart.Then This chart is inserted into the document by ChartPanel(chart) 


Shifflett Laurel

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