I have failed to install Mac OS X on my machine

Asked By 80 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

I have failed to install Mac OS X on my machine. It is showing the error message.

The screenshot of the message is given below. I have no idea about the problem.

Please help me to solve it.

There was a problem installing "Mac OS X"


There was a problem installing "Mac OS X'.

Try reinstalling.

Best Answer by Anthony Pepito
Answered By 30 points N/A #149736

I have failed to install Mac OS X on my machine



There might be several reasons for this error message. First of all make sure that the drive in which you are trying to install has sufficient memory. Secondly check whether the system configuration is compatible with the mac os.

Try reinstalling the operating system. If the problem still persists contact customer support for further information.

Thank you.  


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #149737

I have failed to install Mac OS X on my machine


This problem can occur due to two reasons.

  • This problem encountered if your setup files or CD/DVD is corrupted. This could be reading error from the disk or the files are missing in setup/starter. You are supposed to change your starter.
  • It also depends on machine over which your trying to install OS. As Apple is using intel processors so make it sure your using right version of OS that has capability to run on mac machines. Some older mac version usually have problem in running on new mac machines.

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