How do I apply Hatch in AutoCAD 2010?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi.  I already have a model using AutoCAD.  How do I apply a hatch in my model and where is it located on AutoCAD 2010?  Also, is there a keyboard shortcut for it so it would be much faster?  I need tips on how to apply hatch in AutoCAD 2010.

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 0 points N/A #139682

How do I apply Hatch in AutoCAD 2010?



You can find the hatch in your AutoCAD 2010 by typing on the command line, findfile "ACADISO.PAT" or "ACAD.PAT" not forgetting to include the quotes. You can get the tutorial on how to apply hatch in your model at the website, which explains in detail how to go about doing this. As for the shortcuts, you can create your own or go with the default keyboard shortcuts that come with your AutoCAD. You can get more information at the and websites.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #139683

How do I apply Hatch in AutoCAD 2010?


Entering without quotes “-hatch” in the command prompt will display this information in the prompt: Specify internal point or [Properties/ Select objects/ draW boundary/ remove Boundaries/ Advanced/ DRaw order/ Origin/ ANnotative]: Specify a point or enter an option.

Here is the breakdown of this information.

  • Internal Point – this verifies the boundary or the edge from existing objects that outline an enclosed area surrounding the specified point. Turning on Island Detection will make objects that surround areas inside the farthest boundary be detected as islands.
  • Properties – this specifies the new hatch pattern properties to apply.
  • Select Objects – this determines the boundary from chosen objects that outline an enclosed area and also includes objects to the boundary definition.
  • Draw Boundary – this utilizes particular points to identify the boundary of a fill or a hatch.
  • Remove Boundaries – this takes away the boundary definition of any objects that were previously included.
  • Advanced – this establishes the method used to construct the hatch boundary.
  • Draw Order – this gives the draw order to a fill or a hatch.
  • Origin – this controls the starting point of hatch pattern creation.
  • Annotative – this indicates that the hatch is annotative.

Most of these parts still have other properties to define so simply visit AutoCAD 2010 User Documentation to learn more about it or watch the video “How To Apply Hatch in AutoCAD 2010”.

Answered By 10 points N/A #139684

How do I apply Hatch in AutoCAD 2010?


Hi experts, all of you raise important points about applying hatch in AutoCAD 2010. I have watched many contents across the Web, but your comments were really praiseworthy remembering. I know that AutoCAD 2010 has new visages that make tasks easier and quicker, but now I need hatch in my AutoCAD 2010. I will get into a scrap without your helping advice. Now guys, applying your step by step process, visiting your provided link, as well watching your video tutorial, I have got a clear idea how I will success in my task and at least, I saw with an utter surprise, I have succeeded , I was overwhelmed with joy, I made it. I did it with your help. You’re a hero guy, you’ve saved me with this problem. Now, I can do better things with the help of AutoCAD 2010. Thanks guys, for helping me to be successful.

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