How to convert excel doc into a calendar

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Please tell me how I can convert excel doc into a calendar. Are there special formulas to do it? Also, is it possible to include images on the calendar? I am trying to manually resize cells and stuff and I feel it is a stupid way of doing it. Surely, there are easy tricks that you could share with me.

Answered By 0 points N/A #133040

How to convert excel doc into a calendar


Hi Dorothy, You wanted to know how to convert excel data into a calendar. Okay, I would like to describe this issue. Please follow the below process to do the same.

At first you have to open the containing data file by Microsoft Excel and have to be sure a header row is available on the top of the spreadsheet. This header row must contain all the field name of the spreadsheet. In-fact header fields will be needed to create this calendar. Now go to the file and select save as and here you have to choose the location where you want to keep your required file. No go format menu and select auto format and choose your calendar. Thanks.

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