How can I see the stored procedure in decrypt view SQL 2000?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am working in a multinational enterprise.

It uses Structured Query Language version (SQL) 2000.

My recent job is to write an interface to a large enterprise application.

So I badly need to check the stored procedure.

Can you please explain me How will I see the stored procedure in decrypt view SQL 2000?

Answered By 0 points N/A #167211

How can I see the stored procedure in decrypt view SQL 2000?


Hi Torres Peterson,

There is a solution for your question.

Here is a stored procedure which will decrypt all stored procedures, triggers and views too and that were encrypted as using “with encryption”.
There are two versions 
One procedure for stored procedures only and another one for stored procedures, triggers and views.
Version One
Input: Object name (Stored procedure, View, Trigger)
Version Two
Input: Object name (Stored procedure, View, Trigger),
Object Type (‘P’-stored procedure, ‘T’-Trigger, ‘V’-View)
Here is the way to work with stored procedure.
Input: Object name (Stored procedure, View, Trigger)
I hope you’ll like this solution and make your way easy for you with this help. Good Luck!
Johnstoon Leen

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