Hard drive is not recognized in laptop

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I recently bought a laptop last 2010 and it is still covered by a warranty.  However,  whenever I turn it on, it does not show my hard drive.  Even when I continue with the start up, it would pose a question asking me whether my problem is with my hard drive or from something else.  I do not know how I would go about this problem unless someone helps me.  So I am appealing to you. Please help.

Best Answer by Clair june
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 15 points N/A #105096

Hard drive is not recognized in laptop



You can go ahead and check the BIOS to see if the hard drive is detected there. If it's not, try and turn your computer off. Remove the battery and disconnect the charger and take the hard drive out. Put it back it right after, basically just reseating the hard drive. Check the BIOS again. If it's still not detected, restore your BIOS to defaults then restart the computer. You can also run onboard diagnostics if your laptop came with one, which it most likely did. The diagnostic test should help you determine if there's a hardware problem.

Thank you. Hope it helps you out with your predicament.

Clair june

Answered By 75 points N/A #105097

Hard drive is not recognized in laptop


Hallo Mark,

So you bought the computer and now it is saying that it cannot detect the hard drive? Was it working just fine the time you purchased it? If the problem started recently then I suspect that your hard drive is not connected properly to the motherboard, either the cables are loose hence it cannot be detected at all.

You will need to open inside the laptop and fix any cables that may be loose or not connected at all, a process that may be risky hence I will advice that you make sure you are sure of what you are doing when opening inside otherwise take to someone who is specialized in computer repair and maintenance.

Otherwise, since you still have the warranty you can just take the laptop to the supplier who sold you and explain to them the problem and they will fix it for you.


Lee Hung

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