Format date in MS access: Different types.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I want to learn how to use MS access. What are the different type of Format date in MS access? Also, tell on which factors these dates depends?

Answered By 0 points N/A #155198

Format date in MS access: Different types.


1. General Date: It shows date based on your system sitting.

2. Long date: It displays date based on the system's long date setting.

3. Medium date: It tells the date that depends on the system's medium setting.

4. Short date: It shows date based on the system's short setting.

5. Long time: It displays time based on the system's long time setting.

6. Medium time: It displays time-based on the system's time setting.

7. Short time: It displays time-based on the system's time setting.

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