Files could not be imported to Picasa

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -



My friend invited me to see my birthday pics in Picasa. I have never used Picasa before and not getting to import the pictures.

Kindly find the screen shot below and please help me.

1 files could not be imported to Picasa, because an error occurred. The operation couldn’t be completed. (Missing X-Upload-Content-Type header)

Best Answer by Cate Sofia
Answered By 10 points N/A #132138

Files could not be imported to Picasa

Just try these steps to solve your problem.
1. Open Photo Sync Settings.
2. Select the transfer target.
3. Configure now and then Picasa.
4. Log out from Picasa and then login again.
If the problem persists try this.
1. Delete the Application.
2. Reboot the Mobile
3. Reinstall the Application and try it.
Hope it will solve your problem.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #195101

Files could not be imported to Picasa


Some times, issues will arise with Picasa, windows, or your digital camera software that prevent importing. Follow  steps below.
1. Does windows recognize your importing hardware. Check it.
2.Use different usb port
3.Update your hardware drivers.
4.Uninstall the software that came with your hardware.
5.Make sure your memory card isn't corrupt.
I think you can solve your with this steps. If they aren't work Please uninstall and reinstall Picasa.
Thank you,
Cate Sofia.



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