Exporting pictures from Solidworks drawings to excel spreadsheet

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

Exporting pictures from Solidworks drawings to excel spreadsheet?

I'm looking for the quickest way to embed drawings from Solidworks into a an excel spreadsheet for planning!


Answered By 10 points N/A #84167

Exporting pictures from Solidworks drawings to excel spreadsheet



Try the following procedures and see if they will help you export pictures from Solidworks drawings to the spreadsheet:

Procedure 1:

  • First, you will need to load a large table from Excel into a new SolidWorks Drawing file and then save it  as a DWG/DXF file.
  • After that you will open the file using DraftSight.
  • And then you will arrange the tables into different pages in DraftSight.

Procedure 2:

Try the following process.

  • Go to Insert , and then choose Object from file and choose your file.
  • You can as well just insert a blank excel spreadsheet by going to Insert and then Object, and then select the file type to insert and make sure you resize it accordingly.
  • After that you can just cut and paste your data as needed.



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