Error occurred in deployment step

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


Error occurred in deployment step ‘Recycle IIS Application Pool’ – SharePoint 2013 and Visual studio 2012. How to solve it? Any idea would grateful to you.

Error List

Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Cannot connect to the SharePoint site: http://servername/. Make sure that this is a valid URL and the SharePoint site is running on the local computer. If you moved this project to a new computer or if the URL of the SharePoint site has changed since you created the project, update the Site URL property of the project.

Answered By 5 points N/A #170430

Error occurred in deployment step



The steps below may help you in solving this problem:

1. Firstly, you must click on web site contained in that error message in order to check for it's functionality.

2. If you face an obstacle like it's website cannot be opened by it's browser, go check if SharePoint servers are running or not.

3. Next, click on Restart visual audio.

4. Finally, make sure that the current user is owner.

You should follow above steps.

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