Error 1931 when trying to install WinSyslog Beta

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi techyv!

I am using a Basic MSI project. My application requires msxml3.dll. I have included xml3 in merge modules.

Whenever I tried to install my application I got the following error message:

Error 1931. The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file c:WINDOWSSystem32msxml3.dll because the file is protected by Windows. You may need to update your operating system for this program to work correctly.”

Even I tried on a freshly installed Windows 2000 and Windows XP but for the sake of nothing.

I will be highly grateful if someone can sort it out for me.


Best Answer by Young99
Answered By 0 points N/A #83844

Error 1931 when trying to install WinSyslog Beta


It Is recommended to update your operating system to effectively work your application you want to install

Go to start,  programs, windows update and follow the instruction, wait until the updating process was finish

After finish restart your computer

That's all try to install again your application you want to install

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #83846

Error 1931 when trying to install WinSyslog Beta


This is because you aren't using right version of windows which is required by the software to be installed. Try to update your windows like if you are using windows XP Service Pack 1, you can update it to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3. Similarly if you are already using Service Pack 3, you need to use windows Vista. For knowing exact version you need to install you can go to software’s official website and see the System Requirements of the software. It may need some third party support to be installed like Dot Netframework or Windows Installer 3.1 etc.


Answered By 0 points N/A #83847

Error 1931 when trying to install WinSyslog Beta


Hello Juliacandie

This soft you use for your Windows may not enough space on your disk. And msxml3.dll is not included over your soft. Try to make available space on your disk. The program must be individual users on different PC's so make sure your registration will individual on your PC.

There on your error message shown system might be updated. So you have to update your. I mean your Windows may be not updated so update  first on going Online Windows updating system.

Remember!! the soft you install also be updated. or it will take same problem in future. If don't update use xml3 but Windows update must be required.


Answered By 0 points N/A #83848

Error 1931 when trying to install WinSyslog Beta


Hi Juliacandie, The error message clearly asks its requirement, it needs the updated version of msxml3.dll which is a protected system file. That is, if you need to update this file you have to use windows update feature. Another solution is to use the latest version of service pack of the operating system (windows xp has service pack 3 which is the latest). The latest service pack includes updated system files, so if you try installing in a service pack 3 windows xp, most probably you won’t get that error message. If you still get that error then you have to use windows update so that the protected system files can be updated.

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