Error 1221 and 1102 on making back ups in SQL 2008 DB

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have SQL 2008 Database installed on Windows 2003 server. But I am receiving Error 1221 and error 1102 during the backup process. I have searched everywhere but I could not find a perfect solution. Can anybody suggest any solution?

Answered By 20 points N/A #118293

Error 1221 and 1102 on making back ups in SQL 2008 DB


Error 1102 is most likely to appear as Retrospect is trying to protect your data. Even if it knows that a repartitioned volume with the same name, it will still see as a different volume as the volume ID information is different.

You may try the steps below:

·         Inside Retrospect, try to unlicensed and relicense SQL.

·         Change the settings in Retrospect that it will not back up duplicate files which are already in the backup set.

·         Remove and read volume in Retrospect.

·         Make sure that the ‘Match only files in same location’ option is always turned on.

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