A device that could monitor taxi route everyday

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Techyv,

I was refer to my friend about this site. This is my question:

I'm a business man and i have 100 taxi units. I want to trace my drivers route everyday,  and also in case of holdup i want to install something like button were they press in case they need help. Is there a device like this?

Please help me.


Harmonica Collins

Best Answer by lee hung
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Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #115120

A device that could monitor taxi route everyday


Hi Harmonica,

It seems you having a problem with your driver. In order to track them you should have a hardware components install in your taxi unit 1 by 1. You can purchase a tracker device that enable to send signal to the control, or to your main office back to the tracker. It's a service application that would track vehicles using GPS Systems(Global Positioning System. This device has a sim card inserted on the tracker device this allows you to monitor your unit using GPS technology, or using Satellite. Software are being provided by the tracker device, it's free if you purchase the unit. With regards to the button that you mentioned. Panic button is the additional feature of the device, you have additional charges on this. Panic button when pressed trigger the system and sends the alarm signal to the main branch and the main branch call a police using the tracker location.


Tony Stevenson

Answered By 0 points N/A #115121

A device that could monitor taxi route everyday



 According to your business you need a vehicle tracking system. Vehicle tracking system is a unit of a system that contains these types of machines described as below :-

1. Vehicle tracking device: – This is a device that can be fitted on car. It is like a small mobile piece and contains a SIM card. It is a device that sent data of your car, like location car speed etc.

2. Vehicle tracking user display server : – It is a system that displays the location of our car. It contains a map that which we see our car location. It can be our Laptop or desktop computer.

3. Vehicle tracking server : – This is a server and maintain by a company that give vehicle tracking system services.

    Mainly this system works with GPS tracking system technology.  You can send voice also to user server.

   So you want to buy a vehicle tracking system with 100 vehicle tracking device. Fit this vehicle tracking device each of your each 100 cars. Keep a laptop or desktop computer that can display your car's location.  You may give some charge to your vehicle tracking service provider.

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