Data Manipulation In MS Access

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

How to update, add, and delete data on MS Access and use it as a search engine?

Best Answer by Allen Kenneth
Answered By 80 points N/A #102745

Data Manipulation In MS Access


Adding or Editing Data in MS Access Datasheet:

  1. Open a table in Datasheet view
  2. Click on Home tab
  3. Click on New in Records group
  4. Click the field you would like to edit
  5. Type the correct data or add your new data

Deleting a record in MS Access Datasheet:

  1. Go to Home tab
  2. Click Delete Record on the Delete list found in Records group

The above steps are for MS Access 2007. If you are using MS Access 2003 or earlier versions than that, you may go to the step-by-step procedures on how to edit, add, or delete records in the datasheet.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #102746

Data Manipulation In MS Access


Hello Martin,
Use these steps. Will help you surely.

Adding data
  • Open MS Access and open the database. 
  • Use the F11 key and switch to the database.
  • A list of tables appears after you click the 'Table' tab

    Choose the table you want to use, and open it.  On the table, a horizontal row represents a single record. A column represents a single field in the record.

  • Click in the first cell in a empty record and type the data that should fill there.
  • Use the tab key or click manually to move from one column to the next.
  • After adding the record, a new, blank record will automatically appear below.
Update data
  • To edit a query based on a table, open that particular query in Datasheet view 
  • Type the data you want to update.
Delete data
  • Create a SELECT query to specify the records that need be deleted.
  • Go to query design view. Click on the drop-down menu, at the right of the 'Query Type' button & choose 'Delete Query'
  • If necessary, modify the query so that the correct fields will be deleted.
  • Click the Run (!) button and run the action query
  • Close the query, saving if required

Use this URL to learn more: []

Hope this helps!



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