Creating Dynamic Table of Contents through HTML

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I need to create a dynamic table of contents in HTML. I was thinking to make an HTML list then define style rules to manipulate items in the list. What do you think of it method? Please share your HTML optimal TOC format. Any tips will be helpful.

Best Answer by Taylor Laura
Answered By 0 points N/A #190347

Creating Dynamic Table of Contents through HTML




The best way I know about making an html table is by using CSS to define the rules. With CSS you can increase the interactivity of the list by manipulating mouse activity.

Also if you want to manipulate the content of the list dynamically, you can try using a scripting language such as PHP or JavaScript to generate content for the fields.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 15 points N/A #190348

Creating Dynamic Table of Contents through HTML


Hi Joseph,

Creating a dynamic table of contents using HTML might not be a good idea.  Defining rules in HTML would be very difficult or at most impossible to do.  CSS or Cascading Style Sheets might be the method you are looking for.  It is very easy to learn and once you get the hang of it, you can easily manipulate it according to your intended design.

With CSS you can define table borders, configure table width and height, set the alignment of your text in the table, add padding and colors as well.  

You can find a short tutorial on CSS Tables on this link :

Good luck!

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