Creating a Diagram in MS Excel

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Good morning everyone, I am currently working on something in MS Excel. I wanted to create a diagram based on the data I imputed.

How will I do this? Anyone care to help me?


Best Answer by Tanok Bloran
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 80 points N/A #99325

Creating a Diagram in MS Excel


To create a diagram on MS Excel:

1. Make sure you already have an idea of what type of diagram you would like to use.

2. Once you already know what diagram to use, you may start creating it in Excel using Smart Art:

  • Open MS Excel.
  • Click Insert.
  • Choose Smart Art.
  • Choose the Smart Art type you would like to use which is found on the left sub menu.
  • Choose the Smart Art icon you want.
  • Type your text.
  • Design your icon.
  • Remove the grid lines by unselecting it under View.

Please note that you can’t save the diagram directly so once you remove the grid lines you can take a screen shot and edit this in paint or on any other image manipulation program you would like to save it.

To view the video tutorial in creating a diagram on MS Excel.

Answered By 0 points N/A #99326

Creating a Diagram in MS Excel



The following are the steps to follow when making diagrams using excel. Highlight the data that you want may be a chat to be drawn. Do not include the title column of the data.

Go to insert and select chat. Click on the chat wizard. From the chart wizard you will be able to  see the following options:

  • Column
  • Bar
  • Line
  • Pie
  • XY (Scatter
  • Area
  • Doughnut
  • Radar
  • Surface
  • Bubble

From the above you may select what you want to insert. If for example you use pie  then hold down the mouse to see how the chart would look like. If not satisfied with the current type you still have the option of choosing next. If satisfied choose finish. The chart will have an option to specify the range of the data you want. When you are done you Go to the next step where by you put title to the chart.

Select next to be able to see how the chart would look like.

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