Country ISD code database MySQL or any of the format

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Friends,

I am in need of ISD Codes of all countries in a database in any available format. Is it possible to get it from the Internet. Please help me to find Country ISD code database MySQL or any of the format which is in readable format, which can be converted or loaded into MySQL database. Please do the needful.


Young Hern

Answered By 0 points N/A #189187

Country ISD code database MySQL or any of the format




Wikipedia could be a great source of resources on what you are looking for. All countries are listed in a single column and the column next to it has the respective ISD codes. Because the data are already organized in columns, it will be very easy for you to import them to an Excel file, which in turn can be used to export to MySQL. If you access the URL mentioned below, you need to scroll down a little in order to find the complete listing of all countries. The page starts with zonal information which, as per your question, is not what you want. So, please scroll down to find the complete list.
Hope it helps.
Best Regards,

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