Citrix error 7 local security certificate cannot be downloaded

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

When Citrix is downloaded on Mac, there in an error message indicating that ‘error-7-local security certificate cannot be downloaded’. I got it to work after updated Java was installed, but the error occurred again.

Explain what the issue here would be.

Answered By 5 points N/A #119666

Citrix error 7 local security certificate cannot be downloaded


To resolve that issue, you will need to try the following procedure:

  • You will need to go to Applications;
  • And then choose Utilities.
  • You will then need to choose Java and then js2e 5.0.
  • Next you will need to open up Java Preferences.
  • You will need to switch to JRE 1.4 on the top there.

If that does not solve the problem, then you will need to try installing the native ICA client for Macintosh for the problem may be caused by using a Java Client. You can also try upgrading the Java Client to the latest version and see if that will solve the issue.

Expert techyv.

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