Cannot connect ipad to laptop- unrecognised accessoire

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Dear all, 


I have just purchased an ipad air and have connected it to my laptop which is a non-mac product. I am facing an issue as a message is being displayed on the ipad that 'this is an unrecognised accessoire'. I have already installed the latest version of itunes and still cannot connect my ipad to the latop. Please enlighten. 

Best Answer by Ion Hathew
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #194349

Cannot connect ipad to laptop- unrecognised accessoire


Things to consider in checking the connection of your iPad with your PC are; cables are good, updated iTunes, if iTunes is not updated, you must uninstall it first. Your iPad should be open and not on sleep mode. Check also the USB ports and try to repair or update the USB drivers. You may also want to try your gadget to other computer and the same goes with the cable you are currently using. Another option is to test your gadget to Mac store. But first, ask if it is free to just test your gadget at their store.

Answered By 5 points N/A #194350

Cannot connect ipad to laptop- unrecognised accessoire




Your issue appears to stem from incorrect (or a lack of) synching software and out-of-date drivers. Ensure that the operating systems on your laptop and iPad are updated. Ensure that you have all software provided for the purpose of Apple synching on both devices, and verify that it is updated. You can also experiment with different synching applications that may have better device support.

Answered By 0 points N/A #194351

Cannot connect ipad to laptop- unrecognised accessoire


Hi Carl,

Scarcely would iTunes not respond during a connection between your iPad and your computer after installing or updating to a current iTunes version. However, let me help you take you through a couple of procedures in solving this issue.

Firstly, to test with automatic syncing disabled:

1. Click the Edit Menu

2. Select Preferences

3. Click on Device tab

4. Click to check the option created to deactivate an automatic syncing of iPods, iPads and iPhones.

5. Click Ok.

Connect up again your iPad and check if the issue is resolved or resurfaces. When your iPad is able to sync well, I would advise that you find out which data is the cause of your problem by removing every syncing options which is located under every syncing tabs. You then select each option one after the other to activate them till the problem surfaces.

Locate Podcasts on your iPad if any and entirely delete episodes of podcast on the device. When done deleting every episode on your iPad, connect your iPad again to your computer. Check to see if there is a connection between your computer and your iPad by opening iTunes.

Brenda Cruise

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