Calculate Linux 12.0 for downloading

Asked By 80 points N/A Posted on -

I wanted to know about the new Linux system which is released recently. Does this new Linux system has all the features of compared to other Linux systems. What exactly this calculate means in its name. Why they used it?

Answered By 10 points N/A #128702

Calculate Linux 12.0 for downloading


Hello Steven,

The 12th version of the Calculate Linux distribution was released recently. It includes improvements to the following features:

  • The installer
  • Its system settings
  • Its appearance in the Xfce version.

This version of Linux is available it a GNOME, KDE as well as Xfce desktop and it as well has a directory server version. Other available features include a dedicated media center image as well scratch versions that are meant for desktop as well as server use.

The distribution utilities in the Calculate Linux 12.0 have been remade and they can now allow installation over the network from other clients to add to the usual local media.

Calculate Linux distribution



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