Batch Compare HTML Files diff steps?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi and a pleasant day to all of you.

I have 5 batch files to compare to different HTML files. I tried my best to do the steps on how to compare it and delete the identical files. But as I’ve expected, I have been struggling doing it. Here is my question, Can anyone of you know how to do this? Can you give some simple or basic steps on how to do batch compare HTML Files Diff steps? Any help would appreciated.

Thank you. 

Answered By 60 points N/A #183758

Batch Compare HTML Files diff steps?


Hi Lance,

How are you? Hope you are doing well.

You can compare different file with a batch file, let me give you a sample snippet code:

We are using 'FC' command in this example.

@echo off
fc C:filename1 R:filemame2 > null
If errorlevel 1 GOTO error

Echo insert next CD
Go to main

Echo failed check

Hope this will give you some insight on what you are looking for.

Thank You.

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