Aquasoft basketball scoreboard to see the scores

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


I am a state level basketball player. I want to see basketball scores of recent matches through the internet. So please help to proper aquasoft basketball scoreboard to see the scores. The scoreboard must want to up to date, Fast and efficient.

Best Answer by Margaret M Griggs
Answered By 50 points N/A #171403

Aquasoft basketball scoreboard to see the scores


Hey Sidney,

Theres a website called berecruited and its a website that keeps tracks of players stats/team stats/coaches, general information on high school and college level sports. To see if you are there check out the website go under the categories baseball and search from there. I hope this helped.

Thanks for reading,

-James C Montes. 

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 40 points N/A #171404

Aquasoft basketball scoreboard to see the scores


Hi Sidney,

I have one more website where you will all the live scores update around the world. In fact in this website you will get other sports detail like football, hockey, cricket, tennis and baseball apart from basketball. Please go through the site once and I think it will meet your requirement.

Please visit

Thanking You,

Margaret M Griggs

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