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Hello Guys,

I want to edit some contacts in my Gmail account. Rather than edit them online, I try to work offline. So I export my contact to a CSV file. A feature from Gmail contacts allow me to do that. But what’s happen next is that I could not...

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Maybe this is a simple question but for some.

Please be kind to share your tips. I need to change the password for “root” in phpMyAdmin.

But I don’t find any idea how doing that. No link or tips from phpMyAdmin.

It gives me some notification, but not the way to solve it.

Thanks for...

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Dear Expert,

I’m in the middle of installing Magento on my computer. But the installation process was stopped by the error message when it tried to create the database in MySQL. The error message as follow: Database server does not support the InnoDB storage engine. Previously I’ve installed XAMPP version...

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I am new to this issue. "Cyclic Redundancy Check or CRC error."

I am trying to install a program my friend shared to me. Every time I install it, it shows me that error. I am using a DVD for the program. I have checked all settings in my PC,...

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I am about to install windows 7 in my new hard drive, may I ask how much gigabytes windows 7 will take in my HD? What is a very good partition size for my HD. I only need 2 partitions or just ? I have 500 GB HD.

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I have just purchased a portable WiFi device where I can connect to the Internet anywhere. When there is no WiFi available, it uses GPS or WAP as connection, same as mobile phones uses as long as there is line coverage.
My friend tried this in his notebook and its...

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How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte and terabyte? These are very jargon to me when I joined a computer class back in a town. These people are asking questions using those terms and I just wrote it down since I am not understanding those.

Can anyone explain what...

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Let me understand this, when I access a website, some times its very fast and most of the time very slow. I access same website everyday to read news and forums. I also check this website for computer problems that we have here and sometimes the loading time takes...

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I have been battling out with our local Internet SP here, they are telling me that my max speed I am getting for my plan is 2MBPS, but I am not satisfied, my browsing speed is very slow, I know its non PC related since its brand new and...

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what is the difference between Cisco routers and others?

Can we trust this Cisco routers and for better transmission can we use switch,routers or hubs?

What is the fastest of these devices because i want my online network to be more fast

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