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Why can't I copy and paste in my Word document? If I accidentally point the mouse on the 'send to' in the drop down message, it hangs. I have to end it up through the Windows Task Manager.

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What is the best antivirus software to use and why?

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Why does iPod Nano 6th generation can't support or play video files?

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What is this spider.sav that appears in my folders? Is it a virus?

I tried to delete it but to no avail. It keeps on reappearing.

Does it affect my files?

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I am using the ipconfig command line utility to view my current TCP/IP configuration. I understand that ipconfig when used with the option
/release - releases my DHCP configuration
/renew - remews my DHCP configuration
/flushdns - Purges my local DNS cache.

I have done this to get...

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Hi All,

What does "allowing a program through the firewall" mean?


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I am Eddie Jan  a new and novice Linux user,  I am trying to install MS Office 2007  Everything goes well until the setup runs.

I enter the Product Key and get as far as Install Now , then I get an error message MS Office Enterprise has encountered an error during setup....

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Why the performance of the branded desktops (company assembled) are more better than non branded desktops (local assembled)? For example when we look at the branded desktops, they are high in performance. Branded desktops have fast processing speed. But non branded computers do not show such a high performance

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I am looking forward to start developing iPad applications on my Windows machine but I have hardly had any luck succeeding in it. I even went through the plenty of iPad related forums and came down to this list of two such SDKs:

  1. Dragon Fire SDK
  2. RhoHub

However, I am still not...

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I'm just curious if the strongest or the most durable Firewall can still be affected by a virus?

I know Firewall is for the computer hardware but I'm also curious about the security for online transactions especially when we deal with out payment information. 

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