Want To Know Excel Shortcut To Insert Rows In A Worksheet

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I am a student, and I am not able to insert rows in the excel worksheets. I have to make my 1st project on excel, and I am not aware of using it. How do I add rows in excel? What is excel shortcut to insert rows?

Answered By 5 points N/A #305703

Want To Know Excel Shortcut To Insert Rows In A Worksheet


The first basic step while learning excel is to know what are rows, columns, and cells. Cells are the areas where you mention your quantities and data in a tabular form. Rows and column represent the length and width of your tabular data and help you in managing data.
The second basic step is to insert rows and columns in the excel worksheet. Here is how it goes –

1.) Right-click the cell and then click Insert > rows and columns.

2.) Mention the number of rows you want to insert, and they will be inserted.

3.) The other step would be click insert > rows and columns. Select the number of rows you want to insert.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #328856

Want To Know Excel Shortcut To Insert Rows In A Worksheet


If you are just learning how to use Microsoft Office Excel and you want to insert a row in your worksheet, it’s pretty easy. Take this image as an example. You have three rows labeled Set 1, Set 2, and Set 3 and three columns labeled Head 1, Head 2, and Head 3.

3-row and 3-column table
3-row and 3-column table

For example, you want to insert a row between Set 1 and Set 2. To do this, right-click “Set 2” and select “Insert.”

Right-click cell and select Insert
Right-click cell and select Insert

In “Insert” dialog, select “Entire row” and click “OK.”

Select Entire row
Select Entire row

And that’s it. A blank row will be inserted between Set 1 and Set 2.

Blank row inserted
Blank row inserted

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