Unwanted Trash Messages from Yahoo Mail Contacts

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


I keep getting trashed messages on my Yahoo Mail coming from someone that is using my contact’s addresses pretending to be the sender. I was thinking, what I needed to generally worry about is really happening as of now. I actually did some checking and modified my security password into my Yahoo profile. I want to know if this is a virus or someone is trying to access my account unauthorized. How can I get rid of it?

Best Answer by Mathew Stone
Answered By 10 points N/A #119660

Unwanted Trash Messages from Yahoo Mail Contacts


In this case you can check your security settings and check that you have not applied a filter to your yahoo account. There are other possibilities also in this case the major reason is you need to see what that IP address is involved in this issue and are you getting messages on the time when you are logged in or at a different time. It may be because someone wants to steal your password so don't open such a mail or attached link that follows you to an illegal link and ignore the message. If the problem remains go to your yahoo account settings and apply a filter that will reduce such emails and will block the email address form these email ids.

If you have told someone your password and someone is your closest relative that know every setting of your account then change your security settings and make sure that you have a perfect account. Change all the settings and security question and make sure that you have 100% secure data in your account. If the problem still comes then remove these emails from your Inbox and mark them as spam but I am sure that you will not get any problem in case you have set a good security password and other features.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #119661

Unwanted Trash Messages from Yahoo Mail Contacts


You will need to block that particular address that the email messages that you do not want are coming from. Here is a procedure to help you do that:

  • With the yahoo mail opened, you will need to go to the Mail Options link which you will find in the top navigation bar.
  • There, you will need to choose Block Addresses, and that you will find under it Management.
  • And then you will need to enter the email address which you are receiving the messages from and you want to block it under Add Block.
  • Next you will need to choose Add Block.
  • And then choose Yes to set the block.

You will have blocked the email address that way.

-Mathew Stone

Answered By 0 points N/A #119663

Unwanted Trash Messages from Yahoo Mail Contacts


Hello Alexander,

I have read about your issue on verifying your account if it has been illegally accessed. I have experienced the same problem some time ago. I believe that the yahoo account you are using now has been accessed unauthorized and that’s the main reason why your other contacts are receiving fake emails from you.

The person sending those fake emails from an account which has been modified will continuously send messages to your contacts. I would suggest that you change your password and this will prevent intruders from accessing your account again and all your information. Preventing your account from being access illegally is to make sure the security questions about your account are of high quality.

Answered By 20 points N/A #119665

Unwanted Trash Messages from Yahoo Mail Contacts


I will do what you all suggested. I will increase my protection and block the addresses. Thank you Michal Joran, Mathew Stone and Flair Bnare. Many thanks TechyV.

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