The ‘service Component Container Is Not Working’ Error And Fix

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Yesterday, I tried to start Workflow Mailer, but it didn’t run and showed an error ‘service component container is not working’, what should I do?

Answered By 0 points N/A #319212

The ‘service Component Container Is Not Working’ Error And Fix


Follow the steps to resolve the issue –

1. Stop the current running managers.

2. Drop the queue ‘WF_CONTROL’ by using the given syntax –

3. Start the managers which you closed.

4. Go to OAM -> Site Map -> Generic Services-> View All -> Generic Service Component -> Container-> and start the Workflow listener agent service and then the Workflow Mailer.

5. The issue will get resolved if not then restart your system or try re-installing the software again. There is a chance some files might have got corrupted.

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