How to change wifi password

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

Our internet connection has been installed recently. It was equipped with a router and during the installation we set up a password. However, other people figured out the password and we are now faced with slow connection due to many users, how do i change the password?

Answered By 0 points N/A #83252

How to change wifi password



This will depend on the router you are using, you can either reset or view the reset wireless network password if you can just log into the Wireless Fidelity router. For this situation attempt to configure it on your Wi- Fi router and try typing in your internet browser you are using such as Google Chrome, Internet Explore or Mozilla. Next is tolocate the password in you manual’s router. Look for the guidebook of your router for the right one, if you do not obtain it anywhere with the address. Once your log on inside you will doubtlessly discover it yourself as the management.

Hope this will help you.

Stanislava Yap

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