Error Found “computer Error The User Profile Service Failed The Logon” On Our System

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Sir, I am getting an error “computer error the user profile service failed the logon.” when I am trying to start my system. To get rid of this issue what I should do?

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 0 points N/A #297688

Error Found “computer Error The User Profile Service Failed The Logon” On Our System


For this you have to build a restore point, So that none of your data is lost. Now start tapping F8 key of your system and trying to switch on your PC in safe mode. If not successful, click on start button then move to programs, accessories of your system. After it, go to tools system and then trying managing a restoring point. It is expected that your problem must have been solved.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #299744

Error Found “computer Error The User Profile Service Failed The Logon” On Our System


Though I haven’t encountered this problem yet personally on my user account but my sister does. The same error appeared when she is booting her laptop. She is using Microsoft Windows XP and her account doesn’t have a password so when she starts her computer it will automatically go straight to the desktop. But when the problem happened, it didn’t go through like the usual.

I was able to fix it fortunately and the easiest way is to create a new account and copy the files from the old, corrupt account to the new user account. To do this, you need to have another user account that has administrative privileges. If you don’t have any, you need to use the built-in “Administrator” account in Windows.

Since you cannot access it in Normal mode because it is hidden, log in to this account in Safe Mode. Restart your computer and press F8 before the Windows logo appears. In “Advanced Boot Options”, select “Safe Mode” and hit Enter to boot the computer. In the login screen, select the “Administrator” account to log in.

After logging in, click “Start”, “Control Panel”, “User Accounts”, and then create a new account. Once the new account is created, restart the computer and then log in to this new account. After logging in, restart the computer again in Safe Mode and log in back to the “Administrator” account. Next, open Windows Explorer then click “Tools” and then “Folder Options”.

Select “View” tab then scroll down and select “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” and then uncheck “Hide protected operating system files”. Click “OK”. After this, navigate to “C:\Users\[corrupt username]” or “C:\Documents and Settings\[corrupt username]”. Inside this folder, select all files and folders except the following: NTUSER.DAT, ntuser.dat.LOG, and ntuser.ini. Next, press CTRL + C to copy all items you selected.

Copy user account files

After this, navigate to “C:\Users\[new username]” or “C:\Documents and Settings\[new username]” where “[new username]” is the new user account you created. Press CTRL + V to paste all the items you selected. When you are prompted to overwrite, click “Yes” to overwrite. When copying is finished, log off and log in back using the new username you created. And that should fix it.

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