Dial-up to access the internet

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I have a computer that dial-up is used to connect internet though rarely use it to browse websites.  I still use this computer from time to time because some programs are running on it.

However, recently an error message namely AC-1103 0x84200106 is appeared when I try to access the internet. I have no idea what the problem is.

The computer is running on Windows XP with an 11-year old gateway and SP2 and SP3 are not downloaded.

I appreciate that someone could help. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer by Chriss
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #84867

Dial-up to access the internet


First you check your modem driver from control panel or by right clicking to computer and to go device manager and check its driver. If it’s okay, then unplug your phone wire and plug it again and check the dial tune from your phone set while you are reconnecting the internet. If you feel change then it’s connecting other wise check it from DOS menu by going to

Start>Run>type cmd and then write ping (IP) and check if it is receiving then okay or if request timed out then try another method or troubleshoot it.

Answered By 5 points N/A #84868

Dial-up to access the internet


This error usually occurs when the AOL Messenger is installed and the connectivity settings go wrong, Follow the steps from below mentioned link,


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